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4Bids – Agent How-to Guide

Table of Contents

Configuring Your Account Options

There are several options you can set at Account level to match in with the way your Agency wants to work. These can be adjusted at any time and are simple to use and can be found in the 4Bids General Settings.

To navigate to General Settings in your WordPress Dashboard, go to Property Drive > 4Bids > General Settings.

The Essential Account Options

  1. Bidder Verification: Allow buyers to bid on all properties available for online bidding, or specify which properties they can bid on.
  2. Required Documents: Choose which documents you want to request of bidders to provide for you to verify them.
  3. Bid Increment: Set Account level bid increment amount (you can override this for particular properties).
  4. Agent Notifications: Set the email address(es) to receive agent notifications of bids and bidder verification requests.

  1. Bidder Verification: At account level, you can choose to verify all bidders (Global) to be able to bid on all properties. Alternatively, decide on a case by case basis which properties a user can bid on. This will be administered in the user section.
  1. Required Documents: Simply toggle on and off the document you want to ask for.
  1. Bid Increment: In the Bidding Settings section, simply enter the Account level bid increment value. You will be able to override this for any particular property that is worth more or less than your average property. This is administered when you enable a property.
  1. Agent Notifications: Enter the email address(es) of the agents that should receive notifications of bids made by buyers and of bidders requesting verification. You can add multiple email addresses, separating each address with a comma.

Enabling a Property for Online Bidding

Enabling a property for 4Bids is very simple. There are options for Private Treaty & Action Sales.

First: Select the Property

To find the property, use the left-hand menu to find Properties and then click into the property you want to enable. There is also a search function where you can put in part of the address if you cant find the property immediately. You can find the search function at the top right of the page.

Then For…

Private Treaty Sales

1. Toggle on 4Bids.

2. Enter minimum starting bid. To stop “Silly Bids”, it is recommended that you enter a minimum starting bid.

3. (Optional) If you want to change the bid increment value from the default set in General Settings, simply enter that value here. This is completely optional!

And that is it, but don’t forget to click the blue Update button at the top right of the page!

For Auctions

1. Toggle on 4Bids.

2. Choose “Auction” as the selling method.

3. Set start and end date and times for your auction.

3. Enter Reserve Price.

4. Enter Minimum Starting Bid.

5. Upload the legal pack, if you have one.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

And that is it, but don’t forget to click the blue Update button at the top right of the page!

Verifying Bidders

You will receive an email notification when a potential buyer is requesting verification. Attached to this email will be the documents they have provided. If you are happy with these, go to the Users section and click on All Users.

  1. Find the user and click into them. Usually the newer users will be found at the top, but you can also search for them if need be using the search bar at the top right. Click into the user.
  2. Set “Custom User Role” to “Bidder”.

  1. Set the properties you want the buyer to be able to bid. Either set so that the buyer can bid on all properties enabled for online bidding by ticking “Globally approve user” OR choose one or more properties by clicking the blue box underneath.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

And that is it, but don’t forget to click the blue Update User button at the bottom of the page!


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