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What’s new in WP Property Drive 3.9

The latest release of WP Property Drive3.9 – has been baking for 3 months, and has finally seen the last of day. There are lots of interesting features and the usual bug fixes.

Let’s see what we have.

If you are using featured properties on a regular basis, you will be happy to know that they appear first on any property grid, regardless of date or status. For example, if you want 3 properties for sale to always appear first on your Sales page, switch this option on.

Another useful feature, mostly for agents uploading properties directly into WordPress (bypassing importers) is the new Media Manager button for the block editor. Some functionality in WP Property Drive requires images to be attached (not inserted) to properties. Then, in the front-end, they are displayed as a carousel. However, the old Add Media button is not available in the block editor.

Images can easily be attached to any property by using the Manage Media button. Property images can be uploaded, deleted and re-ordered instantly.

Other notable features and fixes (see the WP Property Drive changelog for more) are:

3 new property importers have arrived. They are usually implemented on demand, as there are lots of different feed providers and feed formats. If you need a specific one, get in touch.

Mostly for 4Bids, a new, native email template is now baked into the plugin. No need for additional plugins to manage user emails. Also, an Invoice section is now available, so agents can instantly see past invoiced properties and properties to be invoiced at the end of the month. Note that only properties with one or more offers are now being invoiced. A very important privacy feature has now been completed – document uploads have been refactored to completely skip the Media Library for temporarily storing document attachments.

WP Property Drive is now expanding, and international feeds are available. A new country parameter is available for the property grid.

The entire list of changes is available below:

  • FIX: Only allow bidding applications once, then show a note
  • FIX: Remove hardcoded Thin UI classes to prevent conflicts with the included Thin UI library
  • FEATURE: Add a media manager option to the property CPT block editor
  • FEATURE: Add country as a property grid parameter
  • FEATURE: Add Panoroo as a 3D property tour provider
  • FEATURE: Implement multi-agent module (alpha)
  • FEATURE: Refactor document uploads to not use Media Library for temporarily storing document attachments
  • FEATURE: Add option to show featured properties first, regardless of status, and mark them with a star Unicode icon (★) in the property grid
  • UI: Add energy details on the Elegant property hero template
  • UI: Add coloured labels for “Under Offer” status
  • REQUEST: Allow import of properties with no images
  • BACK-END: Fix new user email template to not use the deprecated wp_editor()
  • BACK-END: Fix data table styling for table headers
  • BACK-END: Add new user email template configurator
  • BACK-END: Add new Invoices section for 4Bids properties
  • BACK-END: Implement new collapsible box UI for the back-end
  • BACK-END (QOL): Update Thin UI library (2.1.0)
  • BACK-END (QOL): Update code (WPCS)
  • BACK-END (QOL): Refactor agency details section and remove jQuery dependency
  • BACK-END (QOL): Clean up the alerts module, clean up after turning off importer CRON timers, remove BNFW plugin recommendation, remove unused code, remove old, broken single Property Drive importer, remove translatable fields, remove/refactor old property removal and manual property import buttons
  • DOCS: Fix links to changelog and official WP Property Drive website
  • CODE: Fix issue with unescaped description in property schema
  • BRANDING: Keep WordPress logo on the login page
  • BRANDING: Make the 4Bids email signature consistent
  • COMPATIBILITY: Rename all “Reusable Block” instances with “Pattern” to match WordPress 6.3 strings


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